Sometimes you get what you pay for, sometimes you get less than you pay for. You get a lot more than you paid for with the PONS dictionary. Its quite a bargain and I would have quite cheerfully have paid a lot more to get this excellent little dictionary. The publisher has an enviable well-deserved reputation as a purveyor of electronic German-English dictionaries. The less expensive alternatives may well suffice for someone who is planning an occasional trip to a German speaking country and anxious to avoid using the wrong restroom, but the PONS is much more comprehensive and will probably remain the best choice until someone squeezes an unabridged Collins or Langenscheidt into portable form. My only quibble, and its a minor annoyance, is that PONS uses British English and as an American I occasionally have no idea what a term means. The print Collins unabridged manages to include both British and American English and Id hope that some time in the future PONS will follow that admirable practice.
Having used PONS on other platforms, Im confident that the various undocumented features (bugs) will disappear as Paragon continues to update the product. Theyve been very conscientious about that in the past.
Der Förster about Wörterbuch Englisch PONS